Monday, October 11, 2010

The State of Affairs

Matt Taibbi presents one view of the Tea Party movement in his well-written (as usual) article. Without any kind of of thoughtful alternative I'm going to have to agree with the majority of his argument. Matt Taibbi on the Tea Party | Rolling Stone Politics

The Taliban and Karzai government communicate?

Daily brief: Karzai confirms Taliban "contacts" | The AfPak Channel

Bloc Party - Flux

This has been one of my favorite bands for a while. Their music has continued to evolve with my tastes. I was surprised when I looked up the video for this song to see it was done with an old Japanese Toho look. Toho was the studio that did the old Godzilla flicks. Great song, fun video.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

“Finally, our rulers will have culture”

A brilliant tongue-in-cheek retort to Atlas Shrugged. It's also filled with yogurt jokes, which happen to be one of my favorite.